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Early last night I received a call from a special someone with whom I had a relationship with years ago. Our conversation triggered feelings from my past and I realized that these intense feelings were indicating that I needed to release something that I hadn't dealt with completely. After hanging up the phone I hopped into my car to head to the beach. Knowing that my barrel of feelings was tapped and the tears were about to flow, the best place to connect to nature during these warm summer days would be to dive into the cleansing salted ocean water and soak in her beautiful tepid water.

As I arrived to the beach the sun had about another hour in the clear summer sky. I slipped into the warm water and swam solo which was perfect to get quiet and still. Time faded away as I glided in the blue sea reflecting on my present state of emotions and before I knew it, the beautiful orange orb started to set behind the greenbelt forest standing in the distance along the softly golden hued shoreline. As the sky started to darkening into night, I made my way to shore and wrapped myself in a warm blanket. After I dried off, I slipped into my wraparound sundress and nestled into the warm leather bucket seats of my car. As I pulled away from the perfect backdrop I silently said my goodbyes to mother Ocean with all the beauty that was reflecting upon her healing glass-like, still body. With a little contemplation I pointed my baby blue car north and was enroute to go home. I decided to turn on the radio which was set to 103.5 QMFM. This is the station that I have been aired as "the meditation guru" during the peak drive home, however, it being after nine it was now the Love Song tribute.

The first song that flowed from the speakers was "Diamonds" by Rihanna, which inspired me to sing-along .....which soon reignited the flow of the salty, sea-like liquid from my eyes. The next four pieces of music continued to sufficiently compound the messages I needed to hear. I paid very close attention to the significant messages that each song contained as I was serenaded on my ride home. Rihanna's song was followed by the Bare Naked Ladies "You run away"... Followed by Seal's song "A kiss from a Rose"... continued by our Canadian Band Hedley's ~ "I'm Crazy for You"... "Lady in Red" by Chris DeBerg, ending my drive with the garage walls filling with Jesse Labelle belting out the song "Heartbreak Cover-up". Each song was an omen, a phenomenon that foretells the future, often signifying the advent of change...... and the message was clear that I needed to connect the dots and release some old blocked feelings, before it transforms itself into a physical pain or ailment.

It was clear that this was another layer of the "onion" of emotional personal work that I have been committed to for the last couple of weeks via "Time Line Therapy" seminar. Many of you know that last year, my personal story of overcoming paralysis was featured alongside some of the top luminaries of our time, and I became a best-selling author.

Before my story came out, I didn't share about how I overcame the past trauma that happened to me when I was 20 years of age. I learned at a very young age from the people who had the most effect on my development: to stand up, wipe off my knees, and any other appendage that had been dirtied by a fall, put a smile on my face, and head in the direction of where I want to go. This is a great attitude to have, as long as it also involves releasing any pent-up feelings. We can not deny ourselves what our emotions are sharing with us! It has been proven scientifically that trapped feelings can, and will turn into physical pain and dis-ease. It's a huge gift to have our physical flesh to speak to us and it's our job to listen. Having my way home enlightened with performances helped me be in the perfect place to listen to, and give myself some healing Reiki to let go of the rest of those bubbling emotions.

After clearing, I sat and wrote until the we hours of the morning to capture the gratitude I had for my issue, the person who triggered it, and the skills I had in place to release it.

I am so thankful to have the extensive skills of energy work and holistic healing not only to heal myself through all the traumas I have endured in my life. I am also so pleased to share my ever expanding skill set with my audiences, energy sessions and coaching clients too! Contact me directly for your session at

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